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Air Purification


The fresh air system is used to send fresh air to the room with special equipment on one side of the closed room, and then discharged to the outside from the other side by special equipment, which will form a "fresh air flow field" in the room, so as to meet the needs of indoor fresh air. The implementation scheme is: using high wind pressure, large flow fan, relying on mechanical force to supply air from one side to the room, by the other side of the specially designed exhaust fan to the outside forced to form a fresh air flow field in the system. At the same time, the air entering the room is filtered, disinfected, sterilized, oxygenated, and preheated (in winter).

The use of fresh air system can achieve several effects: first, the outdoor fresh air is used to update the indoor air polluted by living and living processes, so as to maintain the cleanliness of the indoor air to a certain level. The second is to increase internal heat dissipation and prevent discomfort caused by skin moisture, which can be called thermal comfort ventilation. The third is that when the indoor temperature is higher than the outdoor temperature, the building components are cooled, such ventilation is called the cooling ventilation of the building.


In the ventilation equipment of residential buildings, fans have always been the most important noise maker, which is a continuous auditory load, which will hinder the comfort of the human body and even affect health. At the same time, in order to continue to ensure the comfort of the room, the fresh air system works for a long time in the day.

In order to ensure the comfort of the room and the economy of the ventilation function, the use of efficient and low noise ventilation system is necessary. Compared to other ventilation systems used in residential buildings, EBST fans operate more efficiently and are quieter - making them more comfortable and cost-effective for all users and residents.


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