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Energy Storage


Energy storage refers to the process of storing energy through a medium or device and releasing it when needed. The research and development of new energy and renewable energy, seeking advanced methods to improve energy efficiency, has become the primary issue of global concern.

According to the energy storage method, energy storage can be divided into physical energy storage, chemical energy storage, electromagnetic energy storage three categories, of which physical energy storage mainly includes pumped storage, compressed air energy storage, flywheel energy storage, etc. Chemical energy storage mainly includes lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries, sodium sulfur batteries, flow batteries, etc. Electromagnetic energy storage mainly includes supercapacitor energy storage, superconducting energy storage.


Energy storage technology to a large extent solves the randomness and volatility of new energy power generation, can achieve smooth output of new energy power generation, and can effectively adjust the changes in grid voltage, frequency and phase caused by new energy power generation, so that large-scale wind power and photovoltaic power generation can be easily and reliably incorporated into the conventional power grid.


At the same time, the good development of new energy vehicles, especially electric vehicles, is good for the development of the power battery energy storage industry.

The energy storage cabinet, as an important device for storing electric energy, is usually integrated with a large number of batteries and other electronic devices. These devices will generate a lot of heat during the working process. If the heat cannot be dissipated in time, it will not only affect the performance of the device, but also may cause security risks. Therefore, it is crucial to provide an effective cooling solution for the energy storage cabinet.


EBST small and medium-sized axial flow and centrifugal fans are ideal for use in situations where space is limited, such as storage cabinets, providing an effective solution for cooling storage cabinets. If you are expanding, modernizing or retrofitting an existing power plant or wind or photovoltaic plant in terms of energy consumption, you can take advantage of our state-of-the-art technology to meet your needs and achieve optimal results with minimal investment. We offer components for every installation situation and control and adjustment technology that fits perfectly, from the initial planning steps through installation, integration and commissioning.


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